Existing Troop Member Resources

Welcome to our Troop! Below is information to help you learn more about our troop.
- NEW PARENT INFORMATION – Words from the Scoutmaster, Helpful documents, Camping Gear Checklist, etc.
- Our Troop Facebook Group is a great source of up-to-date information, Click below to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/40599496237
- Scoutbook.com is our Advancements Record Book. Ranks achieved and Merit Badges Earned by your scout(s) can be viewed here.
- A BSA Adult Application is needed if you plan on attending campouts or serving on our committee. This should be filled out and handed in to our Membership Chair.
- Print, Fill out and Turn in this Troop Resource Survey so we can see your interests and how you want to be involved in our Troop.
- If Interested in being listed as a Merit Badge Counselor please fill out this Merit Badge Application.
- Re-Charter Paperwork for 2024.